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Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals and improve hive conditions. Your generous donation will create a home for a honey bee colony.
Please make a donation with PayPal button below, or Venmo link.
Thank You.
Thank you to Peter Shaw for his generous donation. Peters donation helped a colony get a new home.
Update: Peters "More Alive” has grown to THREE hives.
Sara inspecting hives for Tonya M. who is the first one to be hosting hives on her property from SarasHappyHives
Tonya loves how the bees brought her crab apple tree to amazing bloom.
Thank you Tonya for donating your time and serious hardware to till our acreage to help us to grow wildflowers for our Apiary.
Copyright © 2025 Sara's Happy Hives - All Rights Reserved.
WebMasters: Sara & Stephen